Furnish your luxurious house – bedroom, kitchen, and cosy patio – with over 200 furnishing and decoration options. Open wedding salons all over the world, broaden your range of products, and train your staff. Dive head first into pre-wedding turmoil – help the bride and the groom organize an unforgettable wedding.

Create a wedding boutique chain and become a true master of wedding preparations. The long-awaited sequel to a wonderful game! It’s a cheerful and entertaining success story. Wedding Makeover Salon adalah salah satu game di mana Kamu akan dijadikan pedandan wajah bikin para mempelai wanita. Cak bagi mendadaninya, Kamu bisa memulainya dengan memakaikan kedok wajah ke sang putri.

Create the wedding salon of your dreams – hire staff and broaden the range of products! Become engrossed in a gripping story full of intrigue and treachery! Open and develop a chain of wedding salons located all around the world: France, Italy, Bali and more! Di game ini, pemain akan diajak untuk mendadani sendiri kuntum cantik.