A decent popcorn movie but nothing new for action fans.Desperados: Wanted Dead Or Alive is an original realtime strategy game developed and released by Spellbound Entertainment and released for Microsoft Windows in the early 90s.

But ultimately this is little more than a time waster. You believe in the exaggerated world and that is key. freeze frames etc works really well and the costume design and production design brings the game to life brilliantly. The incorporation of the video game elements such as the character intros, K.O. Holly flutters her eyes at Coronation Street's Matthew Marsden while forcing an English accent.

Only Pressley comes close to credibility - because she has an impressive physique and attitude. DOA should have featured support from the likes of Cynthia Rothrock and Michelle Yeoh rather than Eric Roberts and Robin Shou. Cory is notable for doing more than his share of fighting femme movies back in Hong Kong, including the recent So Close, but none are classic. Elsewhere, while the film sexes up the concept of the tournament/video game movie, it's fatal flaw is that it's heroines don't convince. He has a sequence on a flight of stairs which is brilliant and brutal - very similar to his scenes in his Japanese breakthrough vehicle Blood Heat. Kane Kosugi benefits most from the choreography. Drawing parallels to Enter the Dragon too, there is nothing original or inventive. Borrowing stylistic and casting ideas from Charlie's Angels and Kill Bill, DOA is essentially Mortal Kombat and Streetfighter combined. Colourful and featuring plentiful (reasonable) action DOA is only interesting in the opportunities it presents to draw comparison to others. Compared to the raw energy of Crank, DOA was committee film-making as usual. It wasn't everything I hoped it would be.

But I had reservations - this was a starring role for Holly Valance after all. Having previously done great work with Jason Statham in The Transporter I had pretty high hopes. No Retreat, No Surrender 3: Blood Brothers is a favourite. I love martial arts movies and in particular Cory Yuen films.